Publishing Your Application

One of the key benefits of integrating your service with ShipEngine Connect is that we will take care of hosting your application, ensuring that it scales to meet the needs of end users, and making it highly available at all times.

Part of your application's development cycle will involve end-to-end testing. To facilitate this, you can publish your application to our development environment for further testing before submitting it for production review.

Before you Publish

Publishing a Carrier App

Before you can publish your Carrier application to ShipEngine Connect, you must define at least one of each of the following:

This gives ShipEngine Connect the minimum amount of information it needs to present your app as a service provider inside one of our e-commerce applications, where you may further test and interact with your application.


Before publishing, you should verify that the tests run by ShipEngine Connect CLI are all passing. This will tell you if you have any structural issues with your application, such as missing the minimum implementation required for publishing. It also runs an extensive set of functional tests that help validate your application further.

Application Name

Your application's identity in ShipEngine Connect will be determined by the scoped name property in your project's package.json
(ie @org/app-name) along with the id specified in your application definition file.

The scoped package name as well as the id will be used to uniquely identify your application within ShipEngine Connect. For this reason, it is important that you not change either of these values once you have published your app.

Definition Immutability

Definition id, name, and code properties are used internally to uniquely identify your application's resources. Each id, name, and code property should contain a unique value. The properties should never be changed once the application is published to ShipEngine Connect.

Only one delivery confirmation definition file should be created for each unique delivery confirmation type as this value may be used internally to lookup the specified delivery confirmation when no other identifiers are present.


Before you publish your application, you will need to contact the ShipEngine Connect Team to have an API Key provisioned for you.


From the root of your project run the connect publish command.

Once all the tests executed by the CLI are passing, your application will be packaged and published to our development environment.

By default, the CLI will watch your app while it is being published to give you an update on where it is in the publishing process. If you do not wish to watch your app, simply use the --no-watch option when you run the command.

Once you have completed your end-to-end testing, you can submit your application for production review. After it has been reviewed, it will be promoted to our production environment where end users can begin to use your services.